Breakout & Finishes

Breakout & Finishes

Event Info
Time: 12:00 - 2:00pm
Location: Union Boys & Girls Club
Address: 1050 Jeanette Ave, Union, NJ

Minimize the Time Lost During Transitions!
Did you know that the essence of your race is your transitions? When you perform a turn, you are traveling three times faster than your swim time, and four times faster when pushing off pushing off a block. You need to exploit your ability to push off of a solid object with ideal speed and momentum as you rise up through the water's surface.

As you complete your race, there is another question to consider: Do you know how to break through your exhaustion and go into full attack mode, using all you have both physically and mentally? Our Breakouts and Finishes Event helps swimmers conquer and improve these critical aspect of racing. We show you techniques for harnessing hydro dynamic forces to propel you forward, and how to correctly position your head, arms, and torso during the final stages of the competition. Many top swimmers do not invest sufficient time in perfecting their breakouts and finishes - leaving valuable time on the table and jeopardizing their race. Our FM Experts make sure you are swimming your entire race at the top of your game.

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