Become a FM Fast Track Club Host
The FM Fast Track consists of 3 services that supercharge swim teams! These services work together to help your members accomplish more under your leadership.
FM Fast Track for Teams
A Club Host provides FM Fast Track services and discounts to their team members, while generating income from purchases.
FM Fast Track Online Tools
This online suite of 9 tools allows swimmers and coaches to visually demonstrate technique, set and measure goals, pace races, determine stroke rate, develop training plans and much more.
What's Included
- FM Animations - Advanced video library of our FM Avatars demonstrating the exact targets to hit in real time. Simply put: Swimmers see it, then do it
Backstroke - Hydro Dynamics Demo
Side View of Arms (1 of 4) - FM Discovery Center - A virtual wealth of knowledge including tips, animations, expert advice revealing the secrets of high performance swimming
- FM Time Zone - Tools to set your goals, pace your races and measure your progress
- FM Race Map - Determine your cycle count and rates to use for your selected race when racing
- FM Training Planners - Create in-water & strength training plans for your specialty events
- FM College Pipeline - Step by step guide for swimmers who want to swim in college
Bonus Programs
Introductory courses for each of FM Fast Track Video Series
- Discover Mind Works Brain - Covers key aspects of brain performance and their influence over your capabilities.
- Discover FM Strength - Strengthens swimmers of all ages to compete at higher levels.
- Discover FM Energy Systems (In-Water Training) - Helps swimmers get more out of their practices, to swim faster, longer and with more explosivity.
FM Fast Track Video Series
Our set of online courses transforms the way your swimmers think about their sport. By providing valuable insight into critical swimming topics, your athletes are more engaged, train more effectively, and perform better.
Get Started Now
- Select the host package (Tier Level) that fits your needs
- Log in to our website
- Send your members the FM Fast Track e-vite