FM Aquatic Consultant

About the Position

Job Description:

Part time (minimum of 12 hours/week) with the ability to set your own hours
Hours: Weekends and weekday evenings, year-round

As an FM Consultant, you will work poolside with competitive swimmers, increasing their technique, resulting in faster swimmers while also relaying the progress made to the parents. The successful candidate will be comfortable engaging with parents and swimmers on a 1-on-1 level, both in person and through digital communication (via text, email, and as part of recorded videos of technique analysis).

You will engage in some sales related activities, specifically to present Fluid Mechanics Private Swim Consulting Sessions in conjunction with our team of FM Swim Consultants. You should be adept at positioning yourself as the trusted advisor to the swimmer and responsible family members. This should be applied with Fluid Mechanics values and principles, including building customer loyalty.


  • Private Consulting: $20, $35 or $50/hr (varies based on client tier of service)
  • Commission: sales-based compensation
  • Special & Promotional events (seasonal): $20/hr
  • Travel: Flat travel rate per field day worked (calculated based on driving distance to facility)
  • $500 Signing Bonus

Meet the Team

Want to learn more about joining the FM team? Watch these videos to hear what our staff has to say about working for Fluid Mechanics!
Lisa PizzutoRegional Manager
Tori WellerRegional Office Coordinator
Nick WinogradRegional Sales Coordinator
Dan RothMarketing Manager
Allison CollinsAquatic Consultant
Bradley MaykowAquatic Consultant
Brianna VelardiAquatic Consultant

Contact Us About this Job Listing

  • *Please note: We take email privacy seriously. You have our commitment not to sell and/or give out your email address for any reason.
