Alan Goldberg

Dr. Alan Goldberg

Sports Performance Consultant

As an internationally-known expert in peak sports performance with over 35 years’ experience in the field, Dr. Goldberg works with athletes and teams across all sports at every level, from professional/Olympic athletes down to junior competitors. Dr. G is known for his 1:1 virtual coaching sessions with athletes worldwide. He has been a speaker at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, and has presented at national coach's clinics including American Swim Coaches Association. He received his doctorate from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and is a certified SEP (Somatic Experience Practitioner) who utilizes a breakthrough approach to help athletes perform to their potential. He is also a trained Ericksonian Hypnotist.

Books & Audio Books

Best Mental Toughness Training Package for Swimming

starting at $151.99
Get Mentally Tough with Alan's MOST POPULAR Peak Performance Program! Contains 4 items: Swimming with the Competitive Edge, The Racer’s Edge,Swimming Fast When it Counts the Most, Smoke on the Water(2nd edition)

see description

It can be really frustrating to work hard in practice and not have it pay off in competition. You KNOW you’re a better swimmer than that.
I can honestly say that Dr.G’s mental toughness swim series helped me stay confident and focused and helped me believe in myself as I attempted again to make the Olympic team. I have to give Dr. G’s program big credit in helping me bring home a relay Gold! – Sheila Taormina, Olympic Swimmer
  • You go faster in practice/off events than you do in meets/best events.
  • You regularly beat certain swimmers in practice only to lose to them in meets.
  • You wish you could stay calm and sleep the nights before big meets.
  • You get too nervous pre-race to do your best.
  • You can’t seem to concentrate on what’s important.
Our 13 year old recently achieved a team record. He credited you. More importantly than his time, were his words, which echoed much of what you have taught him…..”It felt so great, like I was just cutting through the water in the moment.” I recommend your series to everyone I know (who doesn’t compete against our boys;)). Your lessons translate to life and I am forever grateful that we took the chance to learn from you. You’re the best! – Jean, California
I get it. After working 34 years with swimmers around the world from Olympians to age groupers and they have felt the same way. I have put together the BEST combination of CDs (MP3s) and books (PDFs) to help you take your performance to the next level AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Do you want to learn advanced mental strategies and techniques that will help you more consistently perform to your potential?
I just wanted to let you know that we got your swim CD’s and Grant can’t stop is listening to them. Despite how much he struggled this season, his attitude seems to have completely flipped! He came home last night and told us a story about the experience of listening to one of your tracks…and how you were spot on about his thoughts. He really feels like you GET IT…and.. is able to relate to his swimming.” Thank you – Linda, Rhode Island
  • Learn the biggest cause of choking and how to avoid it.
  • Develop the ability to concentrate and stay calm under pressure.
  • Stay relaxed and sleep better the nights leading up to those big meets.
  • Develop the ability to deal with last minute negativity and self-doubts.
  • Quickly let go of bad swims and disappointments.
  • Mentally prepare for your big meets.
I have read your books and listened to your CDs my entire life. I was a competitive swimmer when I was younger and I have your competitive swimming cds. I have just completed my first Ironman and am now training for my pro license. I just wanted to thank you for all of your help. I’ve gotten so much from your books and cds! – Ashley, NC
You’re ready to train like a champion, using your mind and your body. Don’t leave this all-important mental side of your swimming to chance. Let me teach you to become mentally tough and perform your best under pressure. If you’re serious about taking your swimming to the next level, then this package is the one for you!


Dr. G’s BRAND NEW Mental Toughness Swim CD Program with track by track Training Guide! Easy to listen to and use, with teaching stories, humor and exercises!

The serious swimmer’s MENTAL TOUGHNESS meet companion. What every racer needs to know about swimming fast when it counts the most!

A hands-on workbook to assess your current level of mental toughness and teach you how to systematically strengthen your mental muscles! Mental toughness questionairre, worksheets and practical techniques!

A swimmer’s guide to developing mental toughness. Sharpen your mental skills with practical exercises, tips and motivational stories! Dr. G’s BEST SELLER at clubs and conferences around the country!

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Parents’ Mental Toughness Training Package

starting at $151.99
Help Your Child Feel and Perform like a WINNER with Dr. G’s Parents’ Mental Toughness Training Package for swimming!

see description

Over the past 34 years I have specialized in helping athletes at all levels overcome performance fears and blocks and perform to their potential. I have trained thousands of coaches and parents on where their swimmers need to be mentally in order to perform their best when it counts the most. This program will help you as parents to understand the secrets to peak performance and what you need to do to help your child have a happy and successful sports experience.
Dr. G, Thought I’d let you know that I got your Swim CDs for my daughter several weeks ago. At the Ohio State championships she placed 8th in breast. She had a lifetime best in prelims (the first time she had a best in that event in 3 years) and then time-trialed the next Tuesday with lifetime best times in the 200 breast and 100 fly. Her senior year looked like it was going to be awful but I think your program deserves a lot of credit for turning things around. Ever so grateful. – Sherry F, Ohio
Swim coaches across the country have frequently asked me to design a “how to” manual for them that would make teaching mental toughness clear and easy. Developing Mentally Tough Swimmers is my response to their need and the best single coaching tool you’ll ever use!
I started my team on your DMTS book and have been working with it all season. We just had the best meet of the entire season! It’s funny that as coaches we never really think to train the brain as well as the body. Thanks for your book to help us do that! – Adam S, New York
Parents want to know:

  • What role should I play on the parent/athlete/coach/team?
  • What do I say and do after my child has a particularly painful failure?
  • How will the Principles of PEAK PERFORMANCE help my child perform to their potential?
  • What traps do I need to avoid so that my child has a happy and healthy youth sport experience?
  • What should I do when my child is stuck in a slump or blocked by fears?
I have downloaded your 14 Steps to Mental Toughness and have been listening to them with my son. I must say that it is having a very positive impact on both of us!! We live in the UK where this type of science is not well known, but now I am persuaded by it! I am so grateful that I discovered your work as my son is only 17 so has plenty of time to benefit. – Mohammed, United Kingdom
For your swimmers to achieve success in practice, it’s 95% mental and 5% physical. Simply put, they must work hard and pay their “physical dues” in order to become a champion! However, to achieve success in big meets, it’s 95% MENTAL and 5% physical! Going fast when it counts the most requires mental toughness and DMTS will help you systematically train your swimmers to compete like champions! Learn:

  • The biggest mental trap that parents fall into and how to AVOID IT!
  • What your child-athlete most needs from you to stay calm and perform like a winner!
  • How to help your child use his/her failures to become successful!
  • Why athletes consistently do better in practice than competition!
  • What you need to do if you want your child to WIN MORE!
This has been a great tool for my swimmers. It’s easy to understand and chock full of effective mental toughness exercises. Since we’ve been using it I’ve noticed a significant difference in my kids’ confidence and how they handle big meet pressure! Thanks for all your help! – Sue Parnes, Swim San Diego
Though this product is not sport-specific, I’ve consistently received positive feedback from athletes in your sport about its effectiveness!


Develop the mind of a CHAMPION! Dr. G’s most popular CDs will help you perform your BEST when it counts the MOST!

What EVERY parent and coach needs to know to help your child-athlete feel and perform like a WINNER!

Dr. G.’s revolutionary new book will help you beat blocks and performance fears for good!

10 Steps to MENTAL TOUGHNESS and peak performance for coaches and athletes. Everything you need to know to bust slumps and get back on track!

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Coaches’ Mental Toughness Training Package for Swimming

starting at $189.99
EVERYTHING You Need to Mentally Train Your Swimmers and Their Parents! Includes Dr. G’s BRAND NEW Swim Program with track-by-track training guide

see description

Over the past 33 years, I’ve worked with swim coaches around the world who want to help their athletes consistently be at their best. I’ve learned first hand the challenges coaches face while training mentally tough swimmers.
In my experience, Alan Goldberg is one of the leading sports performance consultants in swimming today. His knowledge and effectiveness is based on years of experience working with novice to elite swimmers. DMTS is yet another one of his fine contributions and will really help you train your swimmers to be mentally tough. – David Marsh, Olympic Coach
Chances are you want to know:

  • Why do my swimmers fall apart under pressure?
  • How come so many go faster in off events than their best ones?
  • What causes them to lose to slower opponents?
  • How do I help them bust slumps and break through plateaus?
  • What can I do to build their mental toughness?
  • How do I get parents to work with me, NOT against me?
Dr. G, Bought your Best Mental Toughness package at The Cherry Hill, NJ clinic this year. Loved it. Reserved a classroom every Monday night through our season. Felt that it made a huge impact on our season. Our young team finished 8-2 in our highly competitive League. We graduated 6 strong swimmers last year and most felt we’d be in a building mode. The potential was there and your program helped them to believe it and achieve it. The small team of 15 swimmers and 5 lacrosse players (there for the endurance and strength training and comic relief) finished runner up in our division 2 Sectionals! The 11 finalists scored enough points to take their first league plaque since our pool was built. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! – Sandy, New York
I get it. You want your swimmers to succeed, and it can be frustrating to understand why they’re not performing the way you know they can. What if I could provide you with the same tools and strategies I’ve used to help thousands of coaches build mentally tough athletes and teams?
“The best news is that I introduced The Racer’s Edge to my most troubled senior girls with remarkable results. Alan, you have a great voice and delivery and you speak to the swimmers on their own terms in the rhythm of their own language. Thanks for your help!! It’s really made a difference!” -John Bittner, Homer Maritime Swimming, Massachusetts
This package is based on my extensive experience working one-on-one with swimmers at every level helping them overcome performance fears and blocks and swim to their potential. I’m handing over everything I know about training mentally tough swimmers and their parents!
“I can honestly say that Dr. G’s mental toughness swim series helped me stay confident and focused, and helped me believe in myself as I attempted yet again to make the Olympic team. The CDs helped me correct a number of mental mistakes that I had been making which had hurt me in past big meets. I have to give Dr. G’s CDs big credit in helping me make the team and bring home a relay gold! They were an important part of my overall training.” Sheila Taormina, Olympic Gold Medalist & World Class Triathlete
  • Includes everything a Swim Coach needs to train mental toughness over the course of the season.
  • Get swim-specific mental training CD sets that you can use with your swimmers individually and in groups to help them mentally prepare the night before and the day of the BIG meet.
  • Train your swimmers to concentrate, handle pressure, build confidence, rebound from bad swims, master negative thinking and mentally prepare for those shave and taper swims.
  • Learn effective strategies to get parents to work with you, not against you.
  • Teach parents their role on the team.
  • Learn what causes slumps and how to bust them.
  • Understand why swimmers develop individual performance problems in the pool and how to solve them.
  • Dozens of easy-to-use exercises, stories and strategies to use in practice or before/during meets.
My coaching staff listened to the Parents’ CDs with me and are all very excited, so excited in fact that we are hosting a workshop for parents. I gave another copy of this CD directly to a couple of swim parents … the response was so positive these parents have volunteered to participate in helping to run the parent workshop. They listened to the CDs and consciously put into practice some of your parent guidelines. As a result, not only are they enjoying closer relationships with their children, but the kids are enjoying themselves again! – Tim, North Carolina
You dedicate a lot of time to training your athletes physically, so don’t leave the all important MENTAL side of swimming to chance. This combination of audio programs and books will give you EVERYTHING that you need to develop mentally tough swimmers and take your team to the next level! Includes:

Dr. G’s BRAND NEW Mental Toughness Swim CD Program with track by track Training Guide! Easy to listen to and use, with teaching stories, humor and exercises!

The serious swimmer’s MENTAL TOUGHNESS meet companion. What every racer needs to know about swimming fast when it counts the most!

What EVERY parent and coach needs to know to help your child-athlete feel and perform like a WINNER!

A hands-on workbook to assess your current level of mental toughness and teach you how to systematically strengthen your mental muscles! Mental toughness questionairre, worksheets and practical techniques!

A swimmer’s guide to developing mental toughness. Sharpen your mental skills with practical exercises, tips and motivational stories! Dr. G’s BEST SELLER at clubs and conferences around the country!

What every coach should know about getting parents to work WITH, not AGAINST you. Are OVER involved parents driving you to distraction?

A swim coach’s guide to integrating MENTAL TOUGHNESS training over the course of your season! Do you wish you had practical exercises and strategies to use with your team?

Dr. G.’s revolutionary new book will help you beat blocks and performance fears for good!

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