Sarah Koszyk

Sarah Koszyk

Dietitian and Sports Nutritionist

Sarah Koszyk, MA, RDN, is a mover, a shaker, and a dynamic influencer in the sports nutrition, health, and wellness industry.

As a Registered Dietitian and Sports Nutritionist, Sarah understands the power that food has on our bodies. She knows that consuming the right foods can optimize one’s sports performance, enhance one’s recovery, and improve one’s health.

She is the resident nutrition columnist for Swimmer Magazine and has written for UltraRunning Magazine,, and more.

Sarah has shared her expertise in multiple books. She authored two books, 25 Anti-Aging Smoothies for Revitalizing, Glowing Skin. 365 Snacks For Every Day Of The Year. She co-authored the book, Brain Food: 10 Simple Foods That Will Increase Your Focus, Improve Your Memory, And Decrease Depression. And contributed to the book, Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Superfoods Diet To Detoxify, Energize, And Supercharge Fat Loss. All the books promote using whole foods to provide nourishment and natural remedies.

As a leader and innovator in the dietetic industry, Sarah is happy to help people successfully reach their health and wellness goals while fueling their sport. She has a virtual private practice where she works with high school, collegiate, professional, and elite athletes in addition to families and individuals all over the world. She specializes in sports nutrition and weight management and is bilingual in Spanish and English.

Sarah has been an avid swimmer her entire life and became a true water baby at the age of 2 months old when she first learned to “swim.” Since that time, she has swum both competitively and for fun and continues to swim through USMS in both San Francisco and Davis.

Trial Offer!
Sarah Koszyk is now offering a complimentary one-on-one virtual consultation to meet your family and assess your needs. Use the form below to schedule your initial consultation.

  • Contact information will ONLY be used for initial consultation scheduling purposes.

6-pack of Virtual Sessions

Session 1

90 minutes

Sarah will assess your nutrition goals and incorporate your dietary needs and preferences. She will provide behavioral and sports assessments to individualize your experience. Sarah provides customized meal plans including sample shopping lists, menus, recipes, and more all catering to your specific needs. This includes a customized sports nutrition plan.

Session 2-6

30 minutes each

Follow up discussions providing continued nutrition education, sport-specific fueling needs, general Q & A, and overall accountability so you can make long-lasting, sustainable change to optimize your performance and nutritional status.

Fast Track members get 10% off
Log In or Sign Up
$925 one-time fee


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