

Looping Vimeo Embedd Tests

Video 1 - Old mp4

This video was uploaded to Vimeo years ago as an mp4. This video appears to loop well, with no issues when the video restarts in either mobile or desktop. We also had a few videos that appear to be .mov, that work the same.

Video 2 - new mov

This is a more recent mov we attempted to upload. It works OK for desktop (tested on Firefox Windows 11 PC), but appears to have stuttering issues when the video restarts on iPhones. One the specs for one device: iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS version 15.4.1. Tested in Safari and Brave browser (v1.45.1).

Video 2 - new mp4

This is a more recent mp4 we attempted to upload. It has issues with the video stuttering on desktop (tested on Firefox Windows 11 PC), and also appears to have stuttering issues when the video restarts on iPhones, and also has issues with the video stopping and jumping forward. One the specs for one device: iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS version 15.4.1. Tested in Safari and Brave browser (v1.45.1).