The NCAA Eligibility Center must have a copy of your HS transcript on file for you to make an official (fully or partially paid by the school) visit to a DI or II school, so request that your high school guidance office send an official transcript to them if they have not already.

Things To Watch Out For

Many college Admissions Offices will to do a pre-read on your transcript to see if you are academically admissible in the future. Send coaches at the schools that you are interested in a copy of your high school transcript to see if admissions can do a pre-read. Most schools can use an unofficial copy of your transcript for this purpose. The Admissions Department will let the coach know if you are admissible on your own, if the coach will have to support your application, or if you are inadmissible. Based on the results, this can help you narrow down your list of any additional colleges to “official visit” (NCAA definition) in the fall. While pre-reads are helpful, you are not accepted to a university until you apply and are sent a letter of admission from the school's Admissions Department. .